Author: Pam Sheers
Victorian Railway Employee records
VPRS 13537 Employee History Sheets, Traffic/Transportation Branch circa 1910 to 1926
This series comprises self-indexed volumes containing staff record sheets of employees who worked with the Victorian Railway Traffic/Transportation Branch.
The information recorded includes:
- name, date and place of birth, address and qualifications
- date of their appointment
- position held (porter, signalman, guard, shunter)
- other information (date of permanent appointment, place of employment, resignation, retirement or transfer, leave taken).
The series appears to have commenced in 1910, however, the contents date range extends back to about 1885.
The P1, P2 P3 and P4 consignments of this series were previously processed as VPRS 12596 Employee History Sheets, Rolling Stock Branch, P1, P11, P12 and P13 consignments.
The Victorian Government Gazettes also can be searched from 1884 to 1929 for lists of railway employees in the Victorian Railway Triennial lists.
I have chosen this record to showcase the information available in relation to movement of railway staff around Victoria.
Middleton, William L Pg 1 Middleton, William L Pg 2
Agency responsible
VA 2876 Victorian Railways (Also V R Commissioners 1883-1973) Victorian Railways Board 1973-1983
VA 4853 Department of Transport II 2008-cont
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