Author: Public Record Office Victoria
Public Record Office Victoria (PROV) has analysed investigative and performance reports by Victorian integrity and oversight agencies released between 2010 and 2020 to assess the state of recordkeeping across the Victorian Government.
Within the time period assessed, PROV found that recordkeeping was a significant concern of Victoria’s integrity system with more than half the reports identifying recordkeeping issues and making recommendations for improved recordkeeping practices. The most common areas of concern were found to be poor processes and inadequate systems, creation and capture of records, and quality of information captured.
In her foreword, Director and Keeper of Public Records Justine Heazlewood says:
“The consequences of poor recordkeeping can be far reaching and significant. Inaccurate and unreliable records mean that important information cannot be found, accountability is questioned, and in the worst instances, safety is compromised, trauma is relived, and corruption can flourish. This is made clear in over 50% of the 501 reports analysed which identified recordkeeping issues and/or made specific recordkeeping recommendations following identifiable harm to individuals and communities.”
All public servants have a responsibility to keep complete and accurate records, and the head of every Victorian public sector department/agency is responsible for ensuring compliance with the PROV Standards and Specifications. PROV recommends that recordkeeping activities are appropriately resourced and prioritised.
PROV is here to assist agencies by providing a range of tools, guidance and advice.
“Good recordkeeping matters because public offices cannot function without keeping accurate and reliable information about their decisions, actions and agreements. Accurate and reliable records save time by reusing information, help make good decisions and ensure information is not lost when someone leaves a workplace,” Justine Heazlewood, Director and Keeper of Public Records, in the Report’s Foreword.
Agencies that have recently undertaken outstanding records management projects will be awarded at the Sir Rupert Hamer Records Management Awards later this month, providing examples for the many ways records can be managed and processes transformed to ensure the capture and preservation of complete and accurate public records now and into the future.
View the full report and access PROV recordkeeping support.
Material in the Public Record Office Victoria archival collection contains words and descriptions that reflect attitudes and government policies at different times which may be insensitive and upsetting
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples should be aware the collection and website may contain images, voices and names of deceased persons.
PROV provides advice to researchers wishing to access, publish or re-use records about Aboriginal Peoples