Author: Public Record Office Victoria
Public Record Office Victoria’s (PROV) popular, free and online Recordkeeping Essentials training for Victorian Public Sector and local government agencies now has a companion course focused on digital public records.
On the 1st of May, PROV launched the Digital Recordkeeping e-learning module providing an overview of the requirements of Victorian Public Sector agencies, local government or any organisation with responsibilities under the Public Records Act 1973. The module looks at responsibilities in relation to keeping digital records, why we need to keep these records, and how to do so lawfully and in accordance with PROV standards. While this training is relevant for all, it will be of particular interest for recordkeeping and information management staff, as well as online communications teams responsible for websites or social media.
A public record is any piece of information created, sent and received by a Victorian public sector employee in the course of their work. This can be physical (a hard copy file) or digital (emails, mobile device generated records, websites, social media posts).
The course is broken up into five parts, each should take no more than 15 minutes to complete:
1. Obligations and requirements
Learn what a digital record is, the legislation and standards that we must abide by in relation to these records, data security, and strategies and tools to assist with recordkeeping.
2. Managing digital information
Dive into specific digital record examples such as emails, chats, messaging, and social media as well as personal devices and other considerations like M365.
3. Trusting the record
Learn how to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of records including minimum specifications of metadata required.
4. Storing information securely
Look at the different types of storage available, from on-premise to cloud hosting.
5. Disposal and retention
Learn about disposal in a digital environment and the process to transfer permanent records to PROV.
The course is designed so that you can pick and choose to do what sections are most relevant or of interest to you. However, if you want to receive the certificate of completion, you must do all five parts.
Access this and the original Recordkeeping Essentials course here.
Do you have any feedback or suggestions? Email elearning@prov.vic.gov.au
Material in the Public Record Office Victoria archival collection contains words and descriptions that reflect attitudes and government policies at different times which may be insensitive and upsetting
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples should be aware the collection and website may contain images, voices and names of deceased persons.
PROV provides advice to researchers wishing to access, publish or re-use records about Aboriginal Peoples